The Long Term Plan (LTP) is a key strategic plan that New Zealand councils are required to develop under the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA).
A Council’s LTP outlines the Council’s activities and how they are managed, delivered and funded (including proposed rate increases).
Under the LGA, councils must consult with their community on the LTP (or 10-year plan) every three years.
What are our priorities for the Waikato district?
Our vision is:
Liveable, Thriving and Connected Communities | He noohanga aahuru, he iwi whai ora, he hapori tuuhono tahi
Our community outcomes are:
Supporting our communities | Kia tautoko ki a taatou Haapori
Building our economy | Ka hanga a taatou Oohanga
Sustaining our environment | Kia toituu to taatou Taiao
Working together with you | Kia mahi tahi taatou
Providing value for money | Ka whai painga mo te puutea
These community outcomes guide our decision-making to improve Waikato district’s social, cultural, economic and environmental wellbeing. They are aspirational statements and recognise that other agencies and the community itself are part of meeting those goals.
Learn more about our vision
Long Term Plan 2024 - 2034
The current Long-Term Plan (LTP) is for 2021-2031. We’re now developing the next LTP, which builds on the current one and covers the period from 2024-2034.
Learn more