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Our Vision

Last updated 22 February 2024, 11:37 am

Liveable, Thriving and Connected Communities

He noohanga aahuru, he iwi whai ora, he hapori tuuhono tahi

Our Vision and Community Outcomes set the goals we want to achieve in everything we do. Our vision is that we work together as a district to build liveable, thriving and connected communities as our district grows. 

Liveable communities are well-planned and people-friendly, providing for a range of quality residential options, social infrastructure, walkways and open spaces.  They reflect what’s important to people, and support a shared sense of belonging both to the local community and the wider district.

Thriving communities participate in Council decision-making and community-led projects, provide input into the management of their local assets, and sustain the local business sector providing local employment.

Connected communities have fit-for-purpose infrastructure to create liveable, thriving communities.  Connectivity through roads, cycleways, walkways and digital capabilities enable rapid information sharing and engaging in activities together.  By these means, people in connected communities access services and amenities that meet their social, health, education and employment needs. 

Community outcomes | Ngaa putanga aa-hapori

Everything we do is aimed at improving the wellbeing of the people that live, work, and explore the Waikato District.

Our Community outcomes are developed under the four wellbeing pillars and describe what we want to achieve for the Waikato District into the future. 


Cultural | Ahurea

We celebrate who we are | Ka whakanui maatou i too maatou katoa

We celebrate all cultures.  We treasure our diverse communities, and acknowledge our cultural rights and obligations. We honour, understand and implement Te Tiriti o Waitangi and acknowledge the relationship with mana whenua of our district. 

Ka whakanui maatou i ngaa ahurea katoa. Ka maimoatia e taatou te kanorautanga o oo maatou hapori me te whakamaanawa hoki i aa maatou mootika aa-ahurea me oona herenga katoa. Ka whakahoonore, ka maarama, ka whakatinana hoki maatou i Te Tiriti o Waitangi me te whakanui hoki i te hononga ki ngaa mana whenua o too taatou takiwaa. 

Economic | Ohaoha

We support local prosperity | Ka tautoko maatou i te houkura aa-rohe 

We champion sustainable growth in our local economy.  We support local enterprise and encourage innovation and socio-economic prosperity for all, while managing regulatory processes to protect and promote our unique district.  We acknowledge our rural and Maaori economies as key contributors to our district’s prosperity and sustainability. 

Ka maatua kookiri maatou i te tupunga toituu i too taatou ohaoha aa-rohe. Ka tautoko maatou i ngaa hinonga aa-rohe, ka akiaki anoo hoki i te aronga hou me te houkura aa-hapori moo te katoa, kei whakahaere ana i ngaa haatepe kia tiaki, kia whakatairanga hoki i o too taatou takiwaa rongomaiwhiti. Ka whakamaanawa maatou i aa maatou ohaoha aa-rohe, ohaoha aa-Maaori hoki hei kaiaawhina matua moo te toituutanga me te houkura oo too taatou takiwaa. 

Environmental | Taiao

Our environmental health underpins the health of our people | Ka taunaki too maatou oranga aa-taiao i te oranga o oo taatou iwi 

We want waterways which are healthy and create connections.  We protect and enhance our soils, water and native biodiversity and take care of our Taiao (natural environment) for the health and wellbeing of our people, our communities and for future generations. 

E hiahia ana maatou ki ngaa arawai ora, ki ngaa arawai whai hononga. Ka tiaki, ka whakahaumako hoki maatou i aa maatou oneone, wai me te kanorau koiora Maaori, aa, ka tiaki hoki i too taatou Taiao (taiao maaori) moo te hauora me te oranga o oo taatou iwi, oo taatou hapori o aa taatou uri whakatupu hoki. 

Social | Paapori

We have well connected communities | He hononga whaitake katoa o oo maatou hapori 

Our communities are connected, safe, accessible and resilient.  We put community wellbeing at the heart of our decisions, and we embrace partnerships to get things done to improve people’s lives. 

Kua honohono katoa oo taatou hapori, e noho haumaru ana, e waatea ana, e manawaroa ana hoki. Ko te oranga aa-hapori kei te pito o aa maatou whakatau, aa, e kauawhi ana maatou i te rangapuu mahitahi kia piki ake ai te kounga o too te hunga tangata ora. 

Strategic priorities | Ngaa rautaki whakaarotau

Our Strategic Priorities represent the areas we want to focus on over the next three years, they will help us to prioritise our investment to ensure we are meeting the immediate needs of our communities.

Consistent delivery of core services | Te tuku tonu i ngaa ratonga maataamua

Council will focus on reliable and essential services that keep our community safe and resilient. 

Ka aro puu te Kaunihera ki ngaa ratonga pono me ngaa ratonga whaitake e haumaru ai, e manawaroa ai te noho o too taatou hapori.

We will ensure our current levels of service for core assets and services such as roading, parks and open spaces, waste collection, and water services, meet agreed standards and will seek to improve animal control, rural roadside amenity, and safety measures. 

Ka whakatuuturu maatou kia eke katoa aa maatou ratonga hua maataamua me ngaa ratonga peenei i ngaa mahi aa-rori, ngaa papa reehia me ngaa waahi waatea, te kohinga para me ngaa ratonga wai hoki ki ngaa paerewa matatika, ka mutu, e whai ana kia whakawhanake ai i ngaa ture kararehe, te tukuora tuawhenua me ngaa haumarutanga. 

Improving Council responsiveness | Te whakawhanake i te urupare a te Kaunihera

Council will improve its responsiveness and communication to communities and customers.

Ka whakawhanake te Kaunihera i oona urupare me toona whakawhitinga koorero ki ngaa hapori me ngaa kiritaki.

We will keep you informed about our work and services, what you can expect from us, and respond to requests in a timely manner. We aim to listen and engage with you on issues that matter most, and ensure your voices are heard and represented in our decisions. 

Ka whakamoohio atu maatou ki a koe i aa maatou mahi me aa maatou ratonga, he aha aa maatou kawatau, me te whakahoki koorero ki ngaa tono i te waa e tika ana. Ko taa maatou tino whaainga kia whakarongo me te whai waahi atu ki a koe me ngaa take nui ahakoa he aha, ka mutu, ka maatua whakarite kia rongohia too reo, aa, ka whakaatu atu maa roto mai i aa maatou whakatau. 

Building community resilience | Te whakatupu i te manawaroa aa-hapori

We will prioritise the wellbeing of our district by building and supporting strong and resilient communities.

Ka maatua whakaarotau maatou i te oranga o too maatou takiwaa maa te waihanga me te tautoko  i ngaa hapori e kaha ana, ngaa hapori e manawaroa ana. 

We will partner with communities to address climate change, natural disasters, and social change. We will do this by connecting volunteers, businesses, communities, and agencies, and by providing relevant information and protecting our critical infrastructure. 

Ka mahi ngaatahi maatou i te taha o ngaa hapori ki te koorero moo te aahuarangi hurihuri, aituaa Maaori me te panoni paapori. Ka peenei aa maatou mahi maa te honohono i ngaa tuuao, i ngaa pakihi, i ngaa hapori me ngaa umanga, ka whakaputa hoki i ngaa moohiohio whai paanga me te tiaki anoo hoki i too maatou tuuaahanga maataamua. 

Building relationships | Te whakatupu whanaungatanga 

We are committed to building strong partnerships.

E uu ana maatou ki te whakatupu i ngaa rangapuu mahitahi kaha.

We will work with our communities, stakeholders and governance to tell our stories, learn from each other, and build a shared sense of belonging. 

We will uphold Te Tiriti o Waitangi. 

We will foster and strengthen relationships within and between our communities, respecting cultural heritage and embracing diversity. 

Ka mahi ngaatahi maatou me oo maatou hapori, ngaa kiripaanga me te mana urungi ki te whakapuaki i a maatou koorero, ka ako tahi maatou, ka whakatupu i teenei mea te noho huaanga moo te katoa.

Ka tautiinei maatou i Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Ka whakatiitina, ka whakapakari i te whanaungatanga ki roto, ki waenga hoki i oo maatou hapori, te whakaute i te ahurea tuku iho me te tauawhi i te kanorautanga.

Improving connectivity | Te whakawhanake aaheinga

Our district is easy to explore, and communities are connected and well-informed.

He ngaawari noa te torotoro i too maatou takiwaa, aa, e maatua moohio ana, e honohono katoa ana o maatou hapori.

We are committed to improving connectivity within and between settlements to create a more accessible and connected district. We will make it easy for you to engage in what’s important to you, to access information about what’s happening locally, and promote local attractions and events. 

E uu ana maatou ki te whakawhanake i ngaa aaheinga whakahono i roto, i waenganui hoki i ngaa nohoanga kia waihangatia ai hei takiwaa waatea, hei takiwaa honohono. Ka whakangaawari ake maatou i teenei aahuatanga e pai ai too whai waahi mai ki te toha i ngaa mea e tino whai tikanga ana ki a koe, e whai waahi ai koe ki ngaa moohiohio moo ngaa kaupapa ka tuu i te hapori me te whakatairanga i ngaa taiopenga me ngaa kaupapa a te hapori. 

Supporting sustainable growth | Te tautoko i te whanaketanga toituu

We plan for growth in a sustainable and responsible way, ensuring we preserve our local heritage and sense of community.

E maatua whakarite ana maatou kia tupu tuutika, kia tupu toituu kia tau ai hoki ko te tiakanga oo aa maatou taonga tuku iho aa-hapori me te noho aa-hapori.

We will focus on existing and planned growth nodes throughout the district and explore funding tools to ensure that economic and residential growth benefits our communities. We will work with you to create a vibrant and active district, while managing regulatory processes to preserving our unique identity. 

Ka tino arotahi maatou ki te tupu o ngaa tiipona kua whakaritea keetia puta noa i te takiwaa, me te tuuhura anoo hoki i eetahi puutea kia moohiotia ai he paainga too te tipu ohaoha me te tipu o te taupori ki oo taatou hapori. Ka mahi tahi taaua ki te waihanga i teetahi takiwaa ngangahu me teetahi takiwaa whitawhita me te whakahaere anoo i ngaa tikanga ki te tiaki i too maatou tuakiritanga ahurei.
