If your water bill unexpectedly increases but your water usage has not changed, it could mean you have a leak.
To check for a leak, turn off your taps on your property. If water use dial is still spinning, you have a leak
and need to call a plumber.
If you are unable to find the leak, we suggest you contact a licensed plumber to detect and repair the leak for you.
How to apply for leak remission
Leak remission can be applied when there is an undetectable leak on a property; you could have your bill discounted by half of the excess*.
To apply for leak remission, please complete the application for leak remission form online or download it and post it or email to (waters@waidc.govt.nz) with a copy of your plumbers invoice or a statement of what work has been done to
fix the leak.
Contact the waters team at Council on 0800 492 452 or email waters@waidc.govt.nz to see if you are eligible.
*An undetectable leak does not cover things such as a leaking tap, overflowing cistern, hot water cylinder exhausts or stock troughs.
Apply for water relief