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Sites and areas of significance to Maaori fund

Do you have a significant Maaori site on your property? You could be eligible to apply for our new Sites and areas of significance to Maaori (SASM) fund.

This fund was created to assist with the conservation, protection and preservation of SASM in the Waikato District.

It is a contestable fund of $30,000 is available each year for Maaori sites and areas of significance. The purpose of the SASM Fund is to assist private landowners to conserve, protect, and preserve historic Maaori sites and areas within the Waikato District for the benefit of current and future generations.

Check out our application guidelines below for more information about the application process.

Private land owners that want to preserve, protect or enhance a SASM site or area on their property that is one of the following;

  • Registered in Part 4, schedule 3 of the (proposed) Waikato District Plan or;
  • Listed as a Heritage New Zealand site, or
  • Identified as an NZAA site, or
  • Identified in a cultural impact assessment.

Note: The site or area needs to have a wider benefit, meaning there is access provided or visibility at the property boundary that can be visited by the public.

The fund can be used for conservation, maintenance, repair, identification, or be part of a management plan to protect the site or area long term. Some ideas of what can be applied for are:

  • Fencing and/or native planting around the SASM site to protect from erosion, stock interference and to enhance and beautify the area,
  • The installation of a ‘Pou’ (carved figure) or story board,
  • Repairs or,
  • To assist with the costs of engaging an expert to assist with the management or protective landscaping of your SASM site.

You will need to include the following with your application

  • A project overview
  • An itemised cost breakdown of what you are applying for from the SASM fund and from any other funders.
  • If you are erecting a Pou or information board, you will need to provide confirmation from Mana whenua that they have been consulted with- it is important the koorero or narrative is correct.
  • You may need to provide confirmation that you have contacted NZ Pouhere Taonga.
The maximum amount payable for any one project is $10,000 in any 12 month period.
Applications will be assessed on a case by case basis, and in some instances only partially funded by the SASM fund.
Applications can be made on our website through our online form.

Applications will be considered on a first come first served basis beginning 01 July until they have been fully allocated.

Applications received after funds have been allocated for that financial year will be placed on a waitlist or returned to the applicant with advice to apply after the following 01 July.

Applicants will be notified if the application was successful or not within 8 weeks from the date of submission.

Successful applicants will receive payment to their nominated bank account (a bank deposit slip or statement must be supplied).
You will have 12 months from fund payment date to complete your project. If an extension is required, please make a request by email to:
At the completion of the project, you will need to complete an accountability form, this will be provided to you by our team.
You can call us on 0800 492 452 and ask for the Kaiwhakamaahere or email our team on and we can talk you through the process.

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