The Waikato District Council has prepared a Summary of Decisions Requested by Submitters to Private Plan Change 20 – Lakeside Developments to the Waikato District Plan.
The following meetings will be held during November/December 2017. All meetings will be held at the Waikato District Council.
A hearing will be held o hear submissions on the proposed Speed Limit Review Bylaw on Monday, 27 November 2017, 9.00am
Waikato District Council has prepared a Summary of Decisions Requested by submitters to Private Plan Change 21 to the Waikato District Plan (Franklin Section).
Waikato Local Authority Shared Services Annual General Meeting will be held at Waipa District Council on Friday 1 December 2017.
Pursuant to clause 8D (1) in Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991, Council resolved to withdraw Proposed Plan Change 16 (Stage 1 of the Tuakau Structure Plan).
A meeting of the Raglan Community Board will be held in the Supper Room, Town Hall, Bow Street, Raglan on Tuesday 14 November.
The following meetings will be held during November 2017.
Proposed Private Plan Change 20 (PPC20) seeks to rezone an area of approximately 194 hectares to the south of the Te Kauwhata township from Country Living Zone and Rural Zone to Living Zone: Te Kauwhata Lakeside and Business Zone with the inclusion of an open space overlay over a portion of the Rural Zone.
At its meeting on 9 October, the Waikato District Council adopted its 2016/17 Annual Report and Summary.
Refuse and recycling collection will take place one day later than usual (excludes Port Waikato).
Raglan Community Board Meeting will now be held in the Town Hall on Tuesday 12 September commencing at 2.00pm.
Waikato District Council, for the purpose of allowing the Hamilton Half Marathon, proposes to close River Road & Commodore Ave, Flagstaff
Public notice is hereby given that the Waikato District Council, for the purpose of allowing stages for Rally New Zealand, proposes to close the following roads
Glen Murray Community Association Incorporated AGM is to be held on Wednesday 11 October 2017.
Waikato District Council is proposing to make Kowhai Reserve and reintroduce Centennial Park as off-lead dog exercise areas. We want to know what you think.
Waikato District Council, for the purpose of road rehabilitation work, proposes to close Bright Road (from Otaua Rd to Lewis Rd) on Monday 4 September to Friday 15 September 2017.
Application for a Landuse Consent to establish a sales precinct comprising a sales office and five show homes on a Rural Zoned site at the end of Scott Road, Te Kauwhata.
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Raglan Community Board will be held on Tuesday 8 August commencing at 2.00pm.
The following meetings will be held during August 2017. All meetings will be held at the Waikato District Council, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia unless otherwise stated.
Due to the public holiday refuse and recycling collection will take place one day later than usual
Waikato District Council invites written expressions of interest from community groups interested in leasing the Waipa Esplanade Reserve in Ngaruawahia.
The following dog registration fees and charges have been adopted by the Waikato District Council.
Dates for Inorganic Refuse Collection
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