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 Why is the general rate increase seven per cent for the financial year 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024? 

Waikato District Council’s 2021-2031 Long Term Plan had provided for a 3.5 per cent rise for 2023/24. However, the impacts of inflation and interest rates as well as damage caused to infrastructure by the recent weather events in the district have made that figure unsustainable, without having to cut back on key services or fund our everyday activities from debt. 

Council agreed to a seven per cent general rates increase for 2023/24 at a meeting on 5 April 2023. It has now been officially adopted following a Council meeting on 28 June 2023. 

Couldn’t the per cent increase have been lower? 

The simple truth is that if we do not keep up with rising costs then we will be increasing our debt and putting ourselves in a tricky situation for the future. This rate rise allows us to maintain our position and continue to deliver the important services that our residents need and expect. 

Does this mean my general rates increase for 2023/24 will be seven per cent? 

Yes. The general rate is made up of two parts; one is variable and is linked to the value of your property, and one is a fixed charge that is the same amount for every property. The fixed charge is called the Uniform Annual General Charge (UAGC). 

So, the UAGC will increase by seven per cent for every property (rateable unit). This will be $462.55 for 2023/24, up from $432.25 in 2022/23. 

But the dollar amount of the capital value component increase, which also increases by seven per cent, will depend on your property value, and if the value of your property has changed in the past year. 

For example, if your property is the same value as it was last year when we struck rates, the increase will be seven per cent. However, if you owned a bare piece of land last year when we struck rates and now you've built a house, your increase will be well above seven per cent as your property value would have increased. The same rule applies if you've done an extension, or if you're property has been revalued. 

How can I check what the general rates increase means for me? 

You can check the impact of the general rate increase on your rates for your property by going to our Rates Information Database here. Simply type in your address and look at the property charges 2023/24 section. 

What about targeted rates? 

Targeted rates are a user-pays rate, which covers services (such as water, wastewater, rubbish and recycling collections), and these are charged according to the location of your property and the services available. These will increase in 2023/24 at a rate in line with what was signaled in Year 3 of the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan. 

Residents in Tamahere, Whatawhata and Huntly will experience changes to annual targeted rates which will directly support environmental upgrades in Tamahere and the maintenance of community halls in Whatawhata and Huntly. 

Why was the seven per cent general rate increase not consulted on with the public? 

Councils are only required to consult on Annual Plans where there are significant changes to work programmes outlined in their 10-Year Long-Term Plans. No major changes are planned for the 2023/24 period. 

Staff have undertaken an assessment of significance of the general rate increase of seven per cent and determined that this does not require consultation under the Significance and Engagement Policy. 

What can I do to get financial support to pay my rates? 

Find out if you’re eligible for our Rates Rebates here, or call our Rates team on 0800 492 452.  

If you’re experiencing financial hardship, payment plans can be arranged with our Credit Control team. Call 0800 492 452 to find out more.  

You can also read Council’s Postponement Policy – Financial Hardship on rates, which is available on our website here. 

The Work and Income ‘Help with Living Expenses’ webpage may also help. 

When will the 2023/24 Annual Plan be available to read? 

The 2023/24 Annual Plan was formally adopted by Council on 28 June 2023. 
