The Regulatory Subcommittee undertakes hearings of resource consents pursuant to the Resource Management Act and hears appeals under the Dog Control Act.
Reports to: Policy & Regulatory Committee
Chair: Cr Janet Gibb
Deputy chair: Cr Peter Thomson
Membership: Deputy Mayor Carolyn Eyre, Cr Crystal Beavis.
(The composition of any Regulatory Subcommittee for quorum purposes to be determined by the Chairperson).
Meeting frequency: As and when required
Quorum: A panel of three to be appointed in the first instance allowing for a quorum of two once the hearing has commenced.
For more information contact the General Manager Customer Support
Sue O'Gorman or the Democracy Team on any matters relating to the Regulatory
Subcommittee agenda.
If you cannot find an agenda or minutes for a particular meeting online, please contact the Democracy Team.
Upcoming meetings