Candidates must recite the Oath of Allegiance or Affirmation of Allegiance in either English or Maaori before becoming a New Zealand Citizen.
The Oath of Allegiance in English is:
I (say your name) swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles the Third, King of New Zealand, his heirs and successors according to law, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of New Zealand and fulfil my duties as a New Zealand citizen. So help me God.
The Oath of Allegiance in Maaori is:
Ko ahau, ko (aata whakahuatia te katoa o too ingoa) o (te waahi noho) e kii taurangi ana ka pirihonga ahau, ka piripono ki Te Arikinui Kīngi Tiaare te Tuatoru, te Kiingi o Aotearoa, me oona uri ake me oona whakakapi e ai ki te ture, aa, ka aro pirihonga ahau ki ngaa ture o Aotearoa me te whakatutuki i aaku mahi hei kirirarau o Aotearoa. Noo reira e te Atua, aawhinatia mai ahau.
The Affirmation of Allegiance in English is:
I (your name) affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles the Third, King of New Zealand, His heirs and successors according to the law, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of New Zealand and fulfil my duties as a New Zealand citizen.
The Affirmation of Allegiance in Maaori is:
Ko ahau, ko (aata whakahuatia te katoa o too ingoa) o (te waahi noho) teenei e whakaū pono ana ka pirihonga ahau, ka piripono ki Te Arikinui Kīngi Tiaare te Tuatoru, te Kiingi o Aotearoa, me oona uri ake me oona whakakapi e ai ki te ture, aa, ka aro pirihonga ahau ki ngaa ture o Aotearoa me te whakatutuki i aaku mahi hei kirirarau o Aotearoa.
You can listen to an audio example of the oath and affirmation in te reo Maaori here.