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What you need to know about Cyclone Gabrielle

UPDATED: 17 February 2023, 5.20pm

We are currently under a national State of Emergency


Port Waikato 

The Port Waikato community has been significantly impacted by the cyclone. View the latest information for this community.

Road closures

Roadworks continue across the district. There are being carried out on a priority basis. Please take care on the roads. View a list of closures.

Where to go if you need support

The Ministry of Social Development has set up a dedicated floodline for those in need of financial support as a result of the floods. Please call them on 0800 400 100.

Waikato district residents in need of support can call the welfare team on 0800 492 452 for advice.

Here To Help U is a free online tool that provides social and wellbeing support and is available to Waikato district residents. Simply submit a help request via their website and they’ll work together with one of the incredible community providers who deliver the support you require. 

Rural Support Trust are available to farmers needing help during this time. Phone 0800 787 254 or visit their website for more information

Rubbish & recycling

Collection will continue as normal throughout the district from Wednesday 15 February.

Road closures are impacting access to some parts of our district due for rubbish and recycling collection. Contractors will do their best to return to impacted areas when roads open later in the day where safe and possible to do so.

You can view a list of road closures in our district here.

For those who missed collection last week, provision of extra recycling collection will be made, so people can put recycling in “unofficial” containers. We just ask that cardboard boxes aren’t used for glass as they may fall apart.

Power outages

Please keep an eye on the Counties Energy and WEL Networks websites or Facebook pages for the most up-to-date information about power outages or disruptions in your area.

Counties Power have received reports about a live powerline in the Waikato River near Mercer. This may take several days to repair. While this is being repaired there is a risk to any boat or person in the water, including rowing boats. We urge residents to stay out of the river until this is resolved. 

Be ready, get prepared - advice for any emergency situation 

Make and practise your emergency plan, make a grab bag and have emergency supplies. If you're unsure what to pack, check out the Get Ready website.

If someone's life is in danger, dial 111.
