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Waikato District Council Long Term Plan moves to hearings stage

Waikato District Council’s Long Term Plan engagement period concluded on Friday 7 May 2021 after a month of consultation with communities throughout the district.  

Council received over 600 submissions on a range of topics, including feedback on a proposal to end the annual inorganic kerbside rubbish collection, the preferred general rate increase option, and on the question of selling Council’s pensioner houses.  

Waikato District Council’s Chief Executive, Gavin Ion said he was grateful to the community for their involvement over the past month of the Long Term Plan consultation. “Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide feedback on our consultation document. We greatly value your input. We now move to the next step of our process which includes analysing submissions, and then holding public hearings and deliberations over the coming weeks”. 

The Long Term Plan consultation events ranged from stalls outside supermarkets, where Council staff talked to people and handed out information, to drop-in sessions with the Mayor, Councillors and staff who were all available to speak to the community about Council’s plans.  

Huis were held at Turangawaewae Marae and Hopuhopu, in addition to the other events held in Port Waikato, Pokeno, Onewhero, Tuakau, Te Akau, Glen Murray, Te Kauwhata, Horsham Downs, Huntly, Taupiri, Ngaruawahia, Mangatangi, Horotiu, Otaua, Gordonton, Te Kowahi, Tamahere, Matangi, and Raglan.  

Throughout the month-long consultation 28 events took place across the district. The events were advertised on Council’s website and Facebook page, shared in media and school newsletters and through other local networks.  

Submitters who opted to be heard in person will have the opportunity to speak to the council about their views, beginning May 25, with council deliberations to follow. For more information on the next steps of the LTP process, keep up to date with our website.  



For more information, please contact:

Shelby Wilson

Communications and Engagement Advisor

Waikato District Council

Email: shelby.wilson@waidc.govt.nz



