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Notice of Intention to Grant Leases over part of Recreation Reserve - Hakanoa Domain and Huntly West Domain

Pursuant to Section 54 Reserves Act 1977, Waikato District Council as administrating body, gives notice to its intention to grant a lease to:

  • Friendship House Huntly Community Charitable Trust for the purpose of operating the Huntly Arts Group from the building known as Huntly Scout Building on Hakanoa Domain. The reserve is legally described as part of Part Allot 540 Taupiri PSH and part of Allot 776 Taupiri PSH. The proposed lease will be for a maximum term of 9 years and is for an area of ground approximately 625 m2.
  • Friendship House Huntly Community Charitable Trust for the purpose of operating a community hub on Huntly West Domain. The reserve is legally described as part of Part Lot 9 DPS 316. The proposed lease will be an initial term of 20 years plus one right of renewal for a further term of 14 years, 364 days for an area of ground approximately 560 m2.

Further information relating to this notice can be obtained on Council’s Shape Waikato website at

Pursuant to Section 119 of the Reserves Act 1977 Council has an obligation to publicly notify its intention to grant such leases by way of this Notice.

Anyone wishing to make a comment, or an objection must do so in writing. Please indicate if you wish to be heard in relation to your submission. Information provided to the Council is subject to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and may be released by the Council under that Act. All submitters are asked to state in their submission if the whole or any part of the objection is to be kept confidential.

Correspondence can be made at or emailed to or by writing to:

Strategic Property Team

Private Bag 544



All comments and submissions must be received within one month from the date of this notice.

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