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Notice on Resolution of Maaori Wards


Notice is given under Section 19ZA of the Local Electoral Act 2001 that Waikato District Council has resolved to maintain the status quo of not establishing one or more Maaori wards for the 2019 elections. 

This resolution was made at the Council meeting held on 13 November 2017. 

Electors of Waikato District Council have the right to demand that a poll be held on the question of whether or not the Council establishes one or more Maaori wards.  This demand can be made at any time.

A valid demand for a poll must specify that a poll be held on the above question and must be:

  • Made in writing.
  • Signed by at least five percent (2,260) of eligible electors of Waikato District Council. 
  • Delivered to the office of Waikato District Council, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawhia, 3720. 

For the 2019 and 2022 local body elections a demand for a poll has to be made no later than Wednesday 21 February 2018 for the poll to be held by 21 May 2018. If a valid demand is received after 21 February 2018, then the poll will be held after 21 May 2018, and will have effect for the 2022 and 2025 elections.

Every elector who signs a demand must also set out their full name and address for which they are registered as an elector of Waikato District Council.

The matter of Maaori wards can be revisited by Council in 3 years time for the 2022 local body elections.

For further information, please contact Dale Ofsoske, Electoral Officer, PO Box 5135, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141 or telephone 0800 922822  or email info@electionservices.co.nz

Dated at Ngaruawahia, 17 November 2017
