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Open Fire Season for Rural and Urban Areas

Fire season_cr
Pursuant to section 22 Forest & Rural Fires Act 1977 & Waikato District Council Open Air Bylaw 2012

Waikato District as Fire Authority for the Waikato territorial district gives notice of an OPEN fire season in effect from 5 April 2017 until further notice. 

During an open fire season, permits are not required for fires in the open air in rural areas. 

Those living in areas with peat soils should ensure there is no risk of a fire becoming seated in those soils.

At no time will it be permissible to burn such materials as green vegetation, rubber, plastics, toxic materials or treated timber.

Properties within a one kilometre margin of a Department of Conservation area are still required to obtain a fire permit from the Department of Conservation.

Those properties within the area known as the Mangatawhiri Swamp are subject to the year round restricted fire season and must continue to apply for a fire permit. 

Landowners are reminded that they are responsible for the management of all fires lit on their land and could be held accountable for any suppression costs if the fire gets out of control even if a permit has been issued.

Fires must be safe, contained and monitored at all times. Consideration must be made to avoid smoke nuisance to neighbours and its effect on road visibility.

Gavin Ion
Chief Executive Officer
