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Intention to prepare Reserve Management Plan

Council is intending to prepare a Natural Parks Reserve Management Plan which will outline the future use, management and development of the natural parks it administers across the district. 
The definition of natural is widely defined to include native bush areas, wetlands, coastal and lake margins, forestry, farm parks, esplanade and restoration areas or other natural landscapes.
Council, under s41 of the Reserves Act 1977, wishes to invite written suggestions on the plan. All suggestions received will be considered for inclusion in the draft reserve management plan which will be made available for public submission later in the year.

Have your say by 3 March 2017
Tell us what you think about the natural parks and your ideas for their future use, management and development. You can get involved by:
• entering it online at www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/sayit
• emailing it to consult@waidc.govt.nz
• posting it to Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3720
• faxing it to (07) 824 8091
• delivering it to any Council Office or Library.

Suggestions should clearly include your name, address, telephone number and email address.

G J Ion
Chief Executive

0800 492 452
