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Spence Road Stopping 2nd Publication

Notice is hereby given that the Waikato District Council proposes to stop parts of Spence Road at Horotiu, located adjacent to the property known as Section 12 SO 410859, shown as Sections 2 and 3 on Survey Office Plan 497511, being 1417 sqm in total.

When stopped, it is intended to amalgamate Section 2 SO 497511 with the rail land held by Kiwirail, and to amalgamate Section 3 SO 497511 with the land held by the adjoining landowner.

A copy of the survey plan is available for inspection at the offices of Waikato District Council at 15 Galileo Street Ngaruawahia between the hours of 8 am and 5pm Monday to Thursday, and 9 am to 5pm Friday.

Objections to the proposal, giving grounds for objection, must be made by any person claiming to be affected, and addressed to:

The Property Officer

Waikato District Council

Private Bag 544

Ngaruawahia 3742


Such objections must be received by Council no later than 4pm on 30 May 2016.

This is the second publication of this notice.

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