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Community Projects and Events Funding

Due to recent changes in legislation, the Long Term Plan and Annual Plan submission process will no longer be used to seek funding support from Council. 

If you are intending to seek funding for community projects or events from Council, we’d like to ensure you’re aware of the various options available. Information about the various sources is available on the community funding page of our website:


If you currently have been allocated funds by council through the Long Term Plan, this will not be affected

Note: The Waikato District Council Discretionary Grants Fund available for projects happening in Huntly, Taupiri, Raglan, Tuakau, Ngaruawahia and the rural wards of the Waikato district the first round for 2016 is now open for application and will close Friday 5 February 2016.

The Creative Communities Scheme available for arts based events and projects happening in Huntly, Taupiri, Raglan, Tuakau, Ngaruawahia and the rural wards of the Waikato district the first round for 2016 round is now open for application and will close Friday 12 February 2016.

If you would like further information on these changes or community funding opportunities please contact us on 0800 924 723 or email shelley.monrad@waidc.govt.nz or lianne.VanDenBemd@waidc.govt.nz.

