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2015 - 2025 Long Term Plan

On Tuesday 30th June 2015 Waikato District Council formally adopted its 2015 – 2025 Long Term Plan (LTP). With a strong focus on managing growth and future assets and a minimal general rate increase, a good outcome is expected in the long term for local communities.

The LTP, which sets out what the Council hopes to achieve for the Waikato District over the next ten years, outlines key projects and includes a 2.9% per cent general rate increase for the 2015 – 2016 financial year, with increases of 1 % and 3% expected over the next ten years.

Consistent with the Financial Strategy adopted as part of the 2012 LTP, some ratepayers will still receive significant targeted rate increases as Council continues to make reticulated water and wastewater services financially sustainable.
We received 865 submissions and heard 70 of them in person. We would like to thank everyone for their input, especially those who shared their views in person.

For further information or to view a copy of the Council’s Long Term Plan please visit our website http://www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/10years or visit one of our Council offices or libraries.
