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Notice of Proposal to Stop Roads in Pokeno Village

The Waikato District Council, under the provisions of Section 342(1) and the Tenth Schedule of the Local Government Act 1974, proposes to stop firstly, the unformed legal roads described in the First Schedule and, secondly, those portions of Hitchen Road, Pokeno described in the Second Schedule

The roads to be stopped are to be incorporated into the subdivision currently being developed on the surrounding lands, located to the south-east of the Village.

The historic unformed legal roads referred to in Schedule 1are not required for reading purposes and will be replaced with a new network of formed streets.

The parts of Hitchen Road referred to in the Second Schedule, when stopped, will be incorporated into the surrounding subdivision and replaced with a new and improved road link to upper Hitchen Road.

First Schedule (Unformed legal roads to be stopped)
3.3143 Ha being Section 1on Survey office Plan 482297
2.0219 Ha being Sections 3 and 6 on Survey office Plan 482298

Second Schedule (Parts of Hitchen Road)
0.9278 Ha being Sections 1, 2, and 4 on Survey office plan 482298

Plans showing the proposal are available for viewing at the Waikato District Council Service Centres at 15 Galilee Street, Ngaruawahia and 2 Dominion Road, Tuakau.

Objections to the proposal, giving grounds for the objection, must be made by any person claiming to be affected, and addressed to:

The Property Officer, Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia

Such objections must be received by Council no later than 10 August 2015.

This is the first publication of this notice.

GJ Ion
Chief Executive

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