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Waikato District Licensing Committee Member Required

Waikato District Council requires a new member for its District Licensing Committee to help make decisions on alcohol licensing applications. Interested parties who meet the following criteria are invited to apply. 

• Knowledge of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
• An understanding of the harm caused by the consumption of alcohol
• A good knowledge of the communities within the Waikato District
• Experience in quality decision making and hearing processes
• Strong communication skills
• No involvement in the alcohol industry or any appearance of bias

More information on the role and skills required is available in the competency guidance document available at: www.lgnz.co.nz/Our-work/Publications/DLC-Competency-Guidance

Further technical guidance and training will be provided for the successful applicant(s).

Applications close Tuesday 28 April 2015

To apply

Send your CV and covering letter to the Secretary of the Waikato District Licensing Committee at:

Waikato District Council,
Private Bag 544
Ngaruawahia 3742,
Attention: Roger MacCulloch

Or by email to Roger.MacCulloch@waidc.govt.nz

You can also contact Roger MacCulloch for more information on 07 824 8633
