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Te Kauwhata Wastewater Treatment Plant – Stage One Complete!

Waikato District Council, partnered with Watercare, has successfully delivered a leading Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Te Kauwhata, that uses a Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) for nutrient removal. 

The upgrade is central to addressing environmental concerns, improving water quality, and ensuring sustainable management. 

Today, Thursday 29 February, local Iwi, the Mayor, Councillors, and key stakeholders gathered at the plant to celebrate this key milestone.

The new treatment plant is operational, and its high-quality treated effluent is a crucial positive outcome as the treated effluent is currently discharged into Lake Waikare. 

The new facility presents an immediate improvement in both treatment quality, control, and resilience.  The MBR treatment system is proven and renowned for its compactness, resilience, and scalability. The MBR technology offers superior treatment quality, incorporating a filtration barrier to safeguard the environment.

“The successful completion and operation of the MABR/MBR wastewater treatment plant has achieved several positive outcomes, ranging from improved water quality and environmental benefits to compliance and resilience.  These collectively contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future for the community and the region.” says Waikato District Mayor Jacqui Church.

 “Efficient delivery and effective collaboration between various stakeholders, operations, and contractors was essential, and this has been a foundation for the overall success of the programme of treatment plant upgrades”.

This state-of-the-art facility contributes to improved water quality, benefiting local ecosystems and nearby water bodies that support aquatic life.

This has a positive impact on the community's overall well-being and the sustainability of the region. 

The new plant is also readily expandable which is a key enhancement to the critical infrastructure in the area. Improved infrastructure fosters economic growth and development for the rapidly growing Te Kauwhata area.

The next stage of the Te Kauwhata wastewater plan is ongoing, with solution development underway to support the new discharge consent.

For more information about the MBR technology and how the WWTP works can be found here.