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Nominations open for Raglan Community Board by-election

Nominations open today for an extraordinary vacancy on the Raglan Community Board following the death of the Board’s deputy chair, Bob MacLeod, last month.

His passing, more than 12 months out from the next election in October 2022, means by law the Waikato District Council must hold a new election process.

Nominations will be open until noon on Wednesday 13 October. 

The Raglan Electoral Roll is available for inspection at either the Raglan or Ngaruawahia offices through the nomination period.

If there are two or more candidates for the vacancy, voting papers will be posted to all eligible electors from Wednesday 17 November. Voting will close at noon on Thursday 9 December with the final results expected to be available that afternoon.

All information for the 2021 by-election is available at www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/raglan-election-2021.
