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Council asks for opinions on coastal reserves in Raglan

Wainui Reserve

Waikato District Council is calling for submissions on its Draft Raglan (Whaingaroa) Coastal Reserve Management Plan.

Once finalised the plan will present a framework for the management and development of Wainui, Manu Bay and Papahua Reserves.

Back in December 2018, Council called for ideas and suggestions from key stakeholders as to what they thought should be included / excluded within a Reserve Management Plan for the reserves.

Council received 167 responses to this early engagement and, where possible, took this feedback and included it in the draft plan.

The draft plan is open for submissions from the wider community from 7 October until 7 December.

During this time, Council will hold two engagement days and the community is encouraged to come and talk to the team about the plan.

One will be held on 31 October at the town hall supper rooms from 10am to 12 noon, and on site at Manu Bay Reserve from 1pm to 3pm.

The other is on Saturday 14 November at Papahua Reserve from 10am to 12 noon, and at Wainui Reserve from 1pm to 3pm.

Key proposals for each reserve include:

Wainui Reserve

- Implement a co-management agreement with Tainui hapu

- Undertake development of a well graded walking / cycling trail from Wainui Road (Riria Kereopa Memorial Drive intersection) into Wainui Reserve

- Maintain dune enhancement programme and undertake progressive removal of woodlots with long term succession planting of native species

- Management of commercial activities by way of consent, lease, or license

- Development of a concept plan to identify horse riding access, mountain biking trails, regeneration of steep valley sides, access link trails, and a one-way bridge upgrade proposal

Manu Bay

- Implement a co-management agreement with Tainui hapu

- Protect and manage waahi tapu - enhance cultural values

- Planting of steeper hillsides with low growing natives to maintain views from Wainui Road

- Support community and commercial fishing/surfing events based on event guidelines and criteria

- Provide additional water permeable hard stand parking for trailers and vehicles

- Where possible, implement the use of unisex toilet units

- No commercial activities to operate from or across the reserve


- Implement a co-management agreement with Ngaati Maahanga

- Protect and manage waahi tapu - enhance cultural values

- Support relocation of Raglan Football Club to alternative fields

- Support and manage community events based on Councils event guidelines

- Where possible, implement the use of unisex toilet units

- Develop a concept plan for the enhancement planting of Papahua point and estuary areas, and increased access through the reserve (including multiuse paths).

Submission forms and copies of the Draft Raglan (Whaingaroa) Coastal Reserve Management Plan are available at www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/sayit, as well as at our offices.

You can submit at that web address or you can email a submission form to consult@waidc.govt.nz (with subject heading – Raglan Coastal RMP – Submission); post it to Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia, 3742; or drop a form at one of our offices.

Following the closing of submissions, they will all be reviewed. Verbal submissions will be heard, and all submissions formally considered at a Council meeting, open to both submitters and the public to attend.
