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Council staff give back to their community

Council staff tackle work at Lake Kainui

350 staff, more than 20 sites across the district and plenty of work to do.

Waikato District Council staff had a blast giving back to their communities on Friday. Offices and libraries were closed around the district for one important reason. The chance to give back to celebrate a successful year was the purpose of the day. Staff were at a wide variety of places including:

  • Plant releasing and weeding at Lake Rotokauri
  • Weed control around Titoki Dr, Tamahere
  • Volunteering at Huntly St Johns
  • Beautifying Huntly Old Cemetery
  • Gardening, window cleaning and visiting residents at Huntly’s Kimihia Rest Home
  • Plant releasing and weeding at Lake Puketirini
  • General tidying and rubbish clean up in Meremere and Te Kauwhata
  • Painting and gardening at the courtyard next to Ngaruawahia Library
  • Creative work at Twin Rivers Art Centre in Ngaruawahia
  • Beautifying Ngaruawahia Old Cemetery
  • Painting bench seats in Ngaruawahia
  • Plant releasing and weeding at Lake Kainui
  • Painting and gardening at Ngaruawahia Playgroup
  • General tidy up and rubbish collection at The Point, along Te Awa Cycleway to Horotiu Bridge
  • Beautifying Orini, Whatawhata, Tuakau and Taupiri cemeteries and Taupiri Maunga carpark
  • Helping the Woodlands gardening team
  • Beach clean-up and rubbish collection in Raglan
  • Weeding and rubbish collection around Tuakau
  • Cleaning Ngaruawahia and Tuakau Memorial Halls
  • Weeding and collecting rubbish at the Ngaruawahia Community Gardens

Waikato District Council Chief Executive Gavin Ion says it was fantastic to see staff out and about around the Waikato district doing what they could to give back.

“Our people really got stuck in on Friday. They were weeding, painting, picking up rubbish. I’m proud of what they were able to achieve and feedback from the community to date has also shown appreciation for what we were able to get done.”

One such example of the good work was painting at Ngaruawahia Playgroup. A dozen staff turned up and painted the playgroup’s deck and skirting. The site was a suggestion by Volunteering Waikato. Other Volunteering Waikato sites included volunteering at Huntly St Johns, helping out at Twin Rivers Art Centre in Ngaruawahia, and cleaning windows and visiting residents at Huntly’s Kimihia Rest Home.

Volunteering Waikato’s general manager, Heather Moore, says it was been great to see so many staff from the Waikato District Council get involved in their communities in a diverse range of projects. “Not only do the staff get a sense of contribution, volunteering is a great team building activity, and the community organisations that benefit get projects done that might not otherwise get completed. We very much hope that this becomes a regular event for the Council!”

Heather says for those who are interested in volunteering as a team, a range of opportunities are listed on the Volunteering Waikato website (www.volunteeringwaikato.org.nz). Businesses can choose an existing role, or the Volunteering Waikato staff can help the team define their interests, help find a project that suits the needs and goals of a business, and link the business with a community organisation that has a suitable project.


A range of photos are available on request.

For more information please contact:
Teresa Hancock
Senior Communications & Engagement Advisor
Waikato District Council
027 706 5776
